
What is my project?
Why am I interested?
The goal of my integrated work project is to spread awareness and collect charitable and monetary donations for a small village in Tambacounda, Senegal. By coordinating a series of on campus and off campus fundraisers I will be able to meet my goal. In addition to fundraisers, I will also create a fair trade system where I will sell goods from the community. The fair trade system will allow people to be involved in the culture of Senegal without being there. All of the profit that I receive will go towards the village.
During my junior year of high school I was given the opportunity to travel to Senegal. During my trip, I lived with and learned from the people in Ngonani. My experience inspired me to learn about the world in greater nuance and to give back. While in Senegal, I learned a lot about myself and my identity. Therefore, I was compelled to give back to those who gave to me.
While at Christchurch School, I was given the opportunity to travel to India and Senegal. During my experience, I was able to be apart of dynamic environments that challenged the way that I live my life. However, while in Senegal I felt as though I learned a lot about family and my ancestral roots. While in Senegal, I met wonderful people who taught me about Senegalese culture and to embrace who I am.

Not everything can be seen, but everything exists. - (Senegalese Proverb)